Has the universe shaken to awaken us?

Neelima Saini
2 min readMay 18, 2020

Whether you are housebound or not, I believe all of the concern over COVID-19 is a bunch of hooey, and one thing seems undeniable:​ Our world-wide society is changing.

The measures being taken are staggering.​ Entire communities have been steadily shutting down.​ Fear and recrimination are building walls.​ ​People are hording and hiding like some sort of apocalypse is happening.​ ​

Perhaps it is.​ Is Pestilence riding?

It is in our human nature that wants to lay blame.​ Someone or something has to be responsible for the things that happen.​ Everything can’t possibly be random.​ There is as much a chance that the universe is organized chaos as there is the possibility that it is under some form of intelligent control.​ ​

It doesn’t exactly matter, whether the Universe lives and breaths arbitrarily or with Purpose, we can utilize what happens for either Good or Bad

Why do plagues kill thousands?​ Why do dictators rise up and subjugate the weak?​ Why do children starve?​ Why are the innocent exploited and brutalized?​ Is it because God is unloving and cruel? Or is it an opportunity for us?​ A chance to choose love instead of fear?​ A possibility for us to grow and learn to be kinder, more generous, less self-serving?​ ​

Has the Universe shaking us to try to waken us from our apathy?​ ​

