
Neelima Saini
2 min readFeb 8, 2020

“The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.”

In those times of unadulterated daggers and darkness

LIFE materializes at the most unexpected moments

When you don’t think you can take another step forward

LIFE lifts the boulders off your shoulders

Within the fiery blasts of agony exploding unrelentingly

LIFE quietly with dignity brings glowing Calm

When shock and horror ritualistically slay

LIFE becomes the Teacher Supreme

As great mountains of despair hurl to bury you alive

LIFE still remains as ONE simple and pure

When Great Winds sunder you to nonentity

LIFE offers Gifts of Guidance to build anew

As the swift kick comes leaving you face-down in the mud

LIFE at ground level becomes a Beacon of Light

When death and decay morph into your reality

LIFE unerringly points to New Beginnings

No matter what happens or does not

LIFE always manages to bring you HOPE.

Every one of us every day has a real life. It is not only sweet but also painful, tame and oppressive. Life cannot be just cruel, there is always a person, thing, place or environment that delights us, gives us a sense of bliss and at the same time reveals the beauty of life.

Without mistakes and failures, people would not be able to understand what is happiness, joy, and success. Similar thoughts apply to the concept of beauty. Each of us individually imagines what the real beauty of life is, but one thing is that, without seeing and fearing cruelty to our fur, we could not soberly assess the beauty of life itself.

We should not compare anything, because in the desert it is difficult to imagine the height of a particular mountain or foot when there is no object close to and understandable to man, such as a tree. This is also evidenced by the unexpected changes of some people. Life is so sophisticated that it requires both cruelty and happy moments, without which we don’t understand what is going on.

Neelima Saini

